Our Support Activities

  • Trade assistance through the collection, interpretation and dissemination of information that help Greek companies to develop their international activities and foreign companies eager to develop activities in the Greek market.
  • Co-operation at international and national level that enhance collaboration between SEVE member companies and enterprises in foreign countries

SEVE has successfully managed and implemented national and European co – financed projects aiming at the support and promotion of co-operation among enterprises in different regions and countries. SEVE has also participated at several projects managed by foreign organisations with special attention given to those that promote cooperation with Central and Eastern European countries. The implemented projects have been co funded by the European Union and national funds under the Interreg Programmes, South East Europe Programme, Leonardo Da Vinci Lifelong Learning Programme, Operational Programmes Human Resources Development and Education and Lifelong Learning.
Moreover, SEVE participated in projects that develop the technological infrastructure and enable dissemination of new technologies for SME’s, co funded by the European Union under the Operational Programmes Information Society (2000-2006) and Digital Convergence (2007-2013).

Our experience and motivation will enable further development of worldwide partnerships and cooperation with organisations that, similarly, are ready to favour new ideas and commit their resources to their fulfilment. In this sense, SEVE has constituted many partnerships and has submitted proposals for new projects to be financed under European Programmes.

  • SEVE designs and organizes training – seminars and coaching – targeted to University graduates, businessmen and personnel of extrovert companies covering fields that prevail in international trade, such as export marketing, export procedures, electronic commerce, INCOTERMS, payment procedures, participation at exhibitions abroad and others.
  • Furthermore, SEVE maintains in its premises a complete library of journals and books related to exports that facilitate our members to update their knowledge about all recent evolution in their field of interest.

The implementation of European Projects together with the undertaking of organization of several Trade Missions and Meetings worldwide, has offered us an extensive network of partners worldwide, which we plan to extend.